Due to a series of changes in the makeup of conferences, has been required to remove many of the posters which we had previously offered for sale. This game is one of the posters affected.

Hopefully this will be only a temporary setback. You can contact us at if you wish to inquire about any prospects of reinstatements for the upcoming holidays. You will receive a prompt and personal reply. We thank you for your patience, and more than share your frustration.



IAlabamaI10, AuburnI0

At Legion Field, Birmingham

Bama Ends Auburn Hex In Bear's Second Try

License Pending

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The Tigers had been having their way with the Tuscaloosans for the past five years, but this was the Tide's year, and not even the terrific Phil Neel program cover could shake Bear's boys enough to deter them from their mission. This was the first Neel program against Alabama, by the way, and as such is still quite an historic piece of art.

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